Samuel López Ortíz presents "The Art of Dance on Horseback"

By means of this art, we would like to bring you close to this passionate world which portrays a trully Spanish image: man on horseback. A friendship born from the mutual need of two beings that know and love each other, and that have formed an extraordinarily strong bond together.

Día de la Feria

One can be contemplate the beauty of the horse elegantly harmesses, together with the horseman dressed in his distingushed suit, and a beautiful woman riding bareback in the striking colours of the typical "faralaes" outfit.

La Garrocha

Resulting from the need to control the fighting bull in the countryside, this is an art that is genuinely Spanish. The walk, gallop, passes, piruettes, halts and stand-starts are the main exercises involved







Some say that the most beautiful thing to beseen in horsemanship is the Superior Academy side-saddle: the harmonious blend of the arduous entwined with beauty; because balance, beauty, grace and mastery are the main requisites for the horsewoman






Close at Hand and to the Heights

With the horseman on the ground, the Superior Academy exercises begin - a horse always learning better whilst not mounted, so that any defect can be better corrected, along with any of the horse's bad habits. The horse starts its training with a few difficult exercises, such a piaffe, Spanish walk, Spanish gait, caprioles, "corbetas" and passage.


Paso de Dos

The rigorous and traditional elegance of this skill is heightened when performed by Spanish horses, which are considered as having a more harmonious contour.

It is said that the Spanish horse is fit for a king, owing to its breeding, good nature and tempereament. All these qualities come into their own in the Superior Academy's "pase de dos".

Piaffe.. ritmo y compás

Trote in the site with cadence and impulsion

Final Carrousel

This carrousel portrays the absolute serenity and rigour of the "Art of  Dancing Horseback", which expresses its desire that the enthusiasm, spirit and expectation involved will attract people to the magnificent team of man and horse. An art that throughout time has enriched the history of Spain.

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